Lesfic author, genre hopper, twistiest of plot twisters

Author Lee WinterWelcome! I’m a full-time writer and part-time editor who was formerly an award-winning journalist and sub-editor bouncing around Australia for almost thirty years. I come late to the game at penning novels, never suspecting my non-fiction brain could jump into fiction easily.

It turns out I love it.

When not scribbling age gap and/or ice queen stories about lesbian cellist assassins, moody superheroes or investigative journalists, I wish I had some noble pursuits to list as my hobbies: Rescuing orphaned dogs. Running a Meals on Wheels service. Investigating which superfood is the most super.

In reality I can be found sleeping, weeding my garden with my partner, computer gaming and staring at my beloved bicycle, wondering what madness induced me to move to a suburb comprising 99.9 per cent hills, 0.1 per cent dales.

My spare time can also be spent looking thoughtfully at the horizon while frowning to incur writing inspiration to strike. When it does, rest assured more words and books about feisty and funny ice queens will issue forth in the future.

Feel free to drop me a line. I wallow in distractions when I should be writing. No, really.

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